While we already mentioned being cognizant of how much money you’re putting into a down payment, it’s worth mentioning again that the vast majority of the time it’s incredibly important to not spend every last drop of your savings. Emergencies happen, both home related and not and there’s always vacations to take and life to enjoy — your home buying process shouldn’t rob you of your life (at least not for very long).
Something that we all wish we could sometimes forget about but need not to is preparing for closing costs, renovations, and repair costs. Not preparing for renovations and repair costs is a giant mistake when buying a home. Things will break and need fixed, you may want to repaint, or appliances may need to be replaced — and that list really doesn’t ever end. It’s important to factor these costs into your budget before closing on a home so that you don’t have a bad case of buyer’s remorse.
While every mistake is a learning opportunity and buying a home is almost always a great idea, keep these five mistakes top of mind as you enter into this next phase of your life. Buying a home in CA can be incredibly stressful and the more we can lessen that, the better the experience is for everyone involved.